Young boy gay rape porn stories

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There have been A LOT of rumours and speculation for years on blogs and forums about the clues over which actor raped Corey Haim on the set of Lucas in 1986. (Image via Getty)īrascia's story also echoes that of actor and singer Corey Feldman - another of Haim's friends and former child actor - who described instances of sexual assault towards minors in his 2013 memoir. The publication claims it’s been conducting a “five-year long” probe into peadophelia and child abuse in Hollywood, and reports Brascia isn’t the only person to accuse Sheen. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested.” Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him.

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“Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed Lucas,” Brascia told The National Enquirer. Now, Brascia has taken the allegations public. Speaking to The National Enquirer, former actor Dominick Brascia said his friend – late The Lost Boys star Corey Haim, who died in 2010 at age of 38 from pneumonia – confided in Brascia before his death.īrascia said Haim told him how he was raped by Sheen while filming Lucas, when Sheen was 19 and Haim only 13.

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Actor Charlie Sheen has been accused of sodomising an underage boy on the set of the 1986 movie Lucas.

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